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About TheGerontechnologist™

TheGerontechnologist™ was created by Keren Etkin, gerontologist, entrepreneur and author of The AgeTech Revolution – a book about the intersection of tech and aging.

Keren started her career in community services for older adults, before transitioning into tech when she was recruited to Intuition Robotics as the company’s first employee and only gerontologist. 

“I was fortunate to be in a position that allowed me to research how older adults use technology, what they want to get out of it, and later, work on implementing those learnings in ElliQ.”

During her time at IR, she realized there were many wonderful startups developing awesome products for older adults, so I created this website.

“I like to think of myself as an “AgeTech evangelist”, shouting from the virtual rooftops how amazing this ecosystem is, how big the opportunity of the longevity economy is for entrepreneurs and investors, and telling anyone who’s willing to listen that we must include our elders in the design and development of technology.”

Currently, Keren is the founder/director of AgeLabIL – an interdisciplinary R&D center at Shenkar college for design, engineering and art. She advises early stage AgeTech startups and elder care organizations looking to bring innovation into their organizations, she runs the AgeTech Academy and give keynotes about AgeTech. Her work has been featured on publications such as the American Society on Aging’s Generations Today journal.

Previously, Keren co-founded Sensi.Ai, which developed the first and only AI-based solution for remote care monitoring in the long term care industry.

If you want to follow Keren’s work, receive updates from this blog and industry news, subscribe for the AgeTech Digest using this link

You can also connect with Keren on LinkedIn, follow her on Twitter or subscribe to TheGerontechnologist™’s YouTube channel or podcast.

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