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Decoding Aging Innovation: A Look Back at On Aging 2024

I recently got back from the whirlwind that was On Aging 2024 in San Francisco, and let me tell you, it was an experience worth the 30-hour journey from Tel Aviv (and the 20-hour journey back!). This conference, hosted by the American Society on Aging, is the biggest gathering of aging professionals in the US, and it provides a goldmine of insight for any AgeTech enthusiast passionate about shaping the future of aging.

I had the incredible honor of delivering the keynote address for the On Tech Track, orchestrated by AgeTech Atlanta. However the real stars of the tech track were the groundbreaking startups who showcased their products at the tech exhibit hall and competed in the On Tech Pitch Competition. These companies are tackling some of the biggest challenges faced by our aging population with cutting-edge technology, from companion robots to AI-powered care coordination platforms. They are redefining what it means to age well, and I got to chat with some of the brilliant minds behind them – check out this video to hear it directly from the people behind the startups.

This is just a taste of the incredible innovation on display at On Aging! The conference also introduced me to a new term – FOGO (Fear of Getting Old).

Why should AgeTech startups attend a conference for aging professionals?

As a gerontologist, I feel like a kid in a candy store when attending conferences like On Aging. They offer a unique opportunity to connect with fellow aging professionals, gain insider perspectives on aging in America, and explore cutting-edge solutions that are shaping the future of eldercare.

For AgeTech startup founders and employees, particularly those who work on the product – On Aging provides a unique opportunity to meet thousands of aging professionals and participate in intimate discussions about the real pain points that the industry faces on the day-to-day basis. Listening in on sessions and participating in roundtable discussions can provide you with a goldmine of insight.

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